THE LATEST- 8 EDC INCIDENTALS Jeff Chen and ASG Staff·October 5, 2020Useful Gear for Everyday Life 1. Gunnar Enigma GUNNAR creates eyewear specially made for gaming and computer use....EDC (Everyday Carry)FeaturesSurvival Gear·0 Comments·0
The Creative EDC JOHN SCOTT and ASG Staff·June 27, 2020Inspiration is everywhere. For the creative-type, the items on hand can help inspire and create the next great...EDC (Everyday Carry)FeaturesSurvival GearSurvival Gear GuidesTools·0 Comments·0
The Tech EDC JOHN SCOTT and ASG Staff·June 27, 2020We live in a digital age where relying on technology and innovation helps improve productivity. Work smarter not...EDC (Everyday Carry)FeaturesSurvival GearTools·0 Comments·0
The Survival EDC JOHN SCOTT and ASG Staff·June 27, 2020The person that carries this EDC is personal defense and survival minded. Always prepared for the worst, this...Features·0 Comments·0
12 Survival EDCs JOHN SCOTT and ASG Staff·January 20, 2020Everyday Carry Setups If you carry this setup, you’re always prepared to prevail when things get dicey. 1.Mystery...Features·0 Comments·0