Beyond “Sissy” Resilience: On Becoming Antifragile
“If you want to succeed and dominate, to separate yourself from the pack and become the last man standing in any area of life, it’s no longer enough to bounce back from adversity and volatility – to simply be resilient. You have to bounce back strongerand better. You have to become antifragile.”[Art of Manliness]
“Survivalists have been called worrywarts, over-reactors and even downright paranoid and a bit crazy,” writes Michael D’Angona. But the pandemic changed all that. Here’s how COVID-19 schooled us to be self-reliant and antifragile.
A look back at how the pandemic unfolded can help us improve our planning, writes survival medicine expert Joe Alton, MD. Example: If you’re going to live in a big city, have a big supply of personal protection items.
“The coronavirus pandemic is the epitome of what preppers call a “s*** hits the fan” event. As the country braced for lockdowns and began seeing shortages of crucial supplies last March, people found themselves woefully unprepared. But there was a time in American history when many more civilians were ready for disaster." [National Geographic].
If you’re antifragile, you have the skills and know-how to survive and thrive when randomness strikes. “That is really all that a “prepper” is: someone who believes in being prepared for virtually anything,” writes Brian Morris.
Dead or Alive: Survival Essentials for Your Bugout Pack
In simple terms, the bug-out pack contains items necessary to sustain you for at least 72 hours while escaping an area that has become dangerous due to natural or man-made disasters.
“The past year-plus has taught us a lot of hard lessons. One of them is something we probably should have already known: it's never too soon to prep for emergency scenarios, where survival could depend on having the right gear ready to go at a moment's notice.” [Gear Patrol]