The successful survival experience begins with, and is supported by, a strong positive attitude. You can’t hold it in your hands, but your mental state is the strongest tool at your disposal when you need to fight adversity and overcome physical, emotional and mental barriers. It’s easy to allow yourself to be defeated but, by focusing on specific goals, choosing to be brave and thinking positively, you can overcome almost anything.
Mental issues in survival situations brought on by the stress and anxiety all around you can be as deadly as the physical challenges you may face. These feelings can be compounded when those involved lack the skills or experience to persevere. In this article, Dr. Joe Alton explains signs to watch for and how to deal with a variety of mental and emotional problems when they surface during an emergency.
Your primary goal when faced with a survival situation is to survive it in as good condition as possible. At some point, nothing will matter other than staying alive. In some cases, only one person in a group succeeds, which can prompt feelings of guilt. Why me? What did I do to deserve life while the others' lives were cut short? If not addressed quickly and effectively, this person may also be lost.
In cases where ‘it could have been you’, but it wasn’t, it’s not unusual for survivors to feel guilty. Some people even feel as though they are the one who was cursed, instead of those whose life was lost. Survivor guilt is considered to be a part of post-traumatic stress disorder in cases where victims endured highly stressful events. There are ways to overcome these feelings.
Our October issue comes out in two weeks. Suzy Jeffries shares her short list of gear and preps she relies on every day and Ryan Lee Price unravels the mysteries of 12 useful knots that you can master in minutes.