Wildfires are potentially the most dangerous of all incendiary disasters. They can move swiftly through the landscape and often grow from a spark to an inferno more quickly than defenses can be organized. They are a threat no individual can counter so you need to have a plan in place well before the need arises. Depending on how early a warning is issued, you may only escape with your life and a trusty vehicle.
Sometimes, wildfires seem inevitable, but there are precautions we can take to reduce the possibility and severity of an uncontrollable fire when we’re enjoying a camping adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned outdoor aficionado or a newbie in the woods, here are some helpful suggestions for protecting yourself and the environment from errant sparks creating a blazing, all-consuming monster.
The more often you enjoy the outdoors, the greater your risk is of getting caught in the path of one of nature’s most fearsome dangers- a raging wildfire. With more visitors hitting the trails and campsites these days, and western states in particular suffering historic drought conditions, the chances are greater that a simple mistake can trigger a conflagration. These pointers can enhance your safety and reduce your wildfire risks.
It’s easy to say you should take steps to reduce the possibility of your home’s destruction in the face of a wildfire, but what are the most useful actions to take? Here are 8 areas to target and almost a dozen actions to take to improve your chances of survival, if not bettering the likelihood that you’ll have a home to return to when the smoke clears. As scary as wildfires are, well-prepared homes often survive the flames.
Our September issue features great advice from Dr. Joe Alton for the gear and supplies to keep close in case emergencies arise. Jim Cobb's review of two pepperball launchers may impact your self-defense plans, too.