Backyard farming operations at Hyke Farms Chris Nyerges and ASG Staff·June 3, 2022In an unlikely location, Hyke Farms provides food and a buffer against catastrophe through backyard farming. By the...FeaturesFoodGardeningHomesteadingHow-ToSurvival How-Tos·0 Comments·0
Dandelion, the Poor Man’s Ginseng Chris Nyerges and ASG Staff·February 25, 2022The common dandelion offers many benefits NAME: DANDELION (Taraxacum officinale) DESCRIPTION Dandelion is perhaps one of the most...FoodGardeningSurvival Cooking/Food PrepSurvival Skills·0 Comments·0
THE ANCIENT PRACTICE OF DOWSING Chris Nyerges and ASG Staff·February 14, 2022Learn how to find water—and more. What is “dowsing”? Isn’t it a discredited method for finding water? Is...FeaturesWater·0 Comments·0