Group Dynamic: Working Together in a Survival Situation Charley Hogwood and ASG Staff·May 29, 2019You are awakened by a sound that rumbles through the house. In the pre-dawn hour, you climb out...Survival Situations·0 Comments·0
Left of Bang: Situational Awareness Can Mean the Difference Between Life and Death J.D. Hughes and ASG Staff·May 28, 2019Profiling. You’ve heard of it, mostly as a technique used by law enforcement and security personnel to distinguish...Features·0 Comments·0
Hot Zone: Radioactive Contamination Prompts Closure of Ohio High School ASG Staff·May 24, 2019A school in Piketon, Ohio closed Monday, May 13, 2019 and will remain closed for the remainder of...News·0 Comments·0
The Unkindest Cut: Trapped Nebraska Farmer Saws Off Own Leg to Survive ASG Staff·May 23, 2019A Nebraskan farmer was forced to amputate his own leg with a pocket knife after it got trapped...News·0 Comments·0
What Makes Chris Tanner Tick? : The Popular Prepper and Knife Designer Shares His Thoughts Dana Benner and ASG Staff·May 23, 2019Go on social media or turn on the television, and you will find no shortage of survival “experts.”...FeaturesKnives·0 Comments·0