The Golden Hour: Life-Saving Techniques for 9 Deadly Trauma Scenarios ASG Staff·June 20, 2019The power has been out for 38 days, and what looked like a short-term blackout has now turned...First-AidSurvival How-TosSurvival Skills·0 Comments·0
Sailing the Farm, A Survival Guide to Homesteading on the Ocean, by Ken Neumeyer ASG Staff·June 19, 2019What young man hasn’t seen a pirate movie and dreamed of the freedom and independence implicit in a...FeaturesSurvival Skills·0 Comments·0
Fight or Flight: Backcountry Survival Strategies Against Deadly Animal Charges Laura Lancaster and ASG Staff·June 18, 2019You’re headed down a trail through the brush. You’re alone and tired, it’s late, and your head is...Animal Attack/Insect SwarmSurvival Situations·0 Comments·0
Plains Carnage: 7 Dead in Multi-state Twisters ASG Staff·June 17, 2019At least 80 tornadoes were reported across Missouri, Texas, Iowa, Oklahoma, Nebraska and Kansas within two days, resulting...News·0 Comments·0
Weird Weather: SoCal Facing Late Spring Snow ASG Staff·June 14, 2019Thunderstorms coupled with lightning and hail moved in Southern California last Wednesday as winter-like weather continued through late...News·0 Comments·0